Project screenshots - share yours

@Steve_Laubach's simple (relative to some of the others anyway) example gave me the confidence to post my own small screencap:

CleanShot 2024-05-02 at 15.57.49

This demonstrates "isolated" interaction between primary view and docks across multiple instances of the same url, accomplished with only two views, a single 1-liner property change script and some bindings.

EDIT: the use case for this POC was the need for a dynamic/responsive navigation bar and header based on interaction with the primary view without affecting other instances of the same url

Achieving this behavior is surprisingly non-straightforward (at least it wasn't for me - I'm sure it's probably obvious to some of y'all). I'm very much interested in any feedback or alternative methods. Could even be a little challenge if anyone wanted to try and duplicate!

of course, let me know if this isn't the proper "forum" for this kind of thing.

Designer Screenshots

CleanShot 2024-05-02 at 15.31.14