Property bindings for current component

Hi all,
I’m looking for a way to access the current component’s properties without tunneling down (ie not using Root Container.Path.To.Component.) Specifically, I want to bind the mouseover text for a bunch of components to a SQL call using the component’s name, but I don’t want to write a different call for each and every component. In essence I want to be able to copy and paste these components all I want, where changing their names updates all the other properties. Is there a way this can be done?


Just try it! If you make a binding that involves a component’s name, and you copy that component, the binding will “follow” the copy - that is, the new component’s binding will reference the new component’s name.

The bindings are not just text - they’re linked with some intelligence.

Ah, excellent!

Hmmm… I’ve noticed that if I rename a component then references to it are updated, but it doesn’t seem to happen for copies.

For example, I have a sql query with the following component-specific clause: “WHERE Ref=’{Root}’” but when I copy it, the new component’s name is SA 1 (as expected) but the SQL statement (and other bound properties) still point to SA. If I understand what you said, they should be pointing to SA 1 now, right?


Ahh, it was my mistake - the path to the component actually referenced it’s ‘brother’ component in another container, so while the data it was getting was correct, it wasn’t actually referencing itself. Works great now!