I'm trying to run a script every single time a value is changed in a numeric entry field. I need this templatized and I will be running this script on all sorts of components like checkboxes and multi state buttons etc...
The issue: When making the template I would press play and test out the "property change" script by changing the numeric value, and that would write to a table once like intended (seen below). This worked great as you can see, but as soon as I put a instance of that template anywhere and change the value from the instance it logs twice. Is there a solution for this because it basically makes the propertyChange event handler useless in any template instances.
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Does that query change the value in the field you are running the script on?
if so that would cause a double run, due to the value changing after the query runs?
I suppose I can just use a "prevVal" custom property on the window and maybe use a KeyPressed for the "enterkey" and check there and hope that only runs once? I feel like this is not the right way to do it though.
No it just basically logs the previous value and the new value in a table and what time for a custom audit log which is why I really don't want it to show twice.
You can compare event.newValue and event.oldValue
if event.propertyName == 'value' and event.oldValue <> event.newValue:
That won't work unfortunatly. The new and old value are different in both times it logs as seen in the picture :/.