Protecting sections of a project within Designer

As a systems integrator, we like the fact of providing an open design platform to our customers. On the other hand, in order to protect certain sections within Designer from being changed by unauthorized personnel, we’d like the ability to password-protect them. This is especially important when providing solutions under a warranty, which only we would be allowed to change.

Is there a way to protect via username/password, sections of a project within Designer, i.e. folders and underlying components such as windows, scripts, named queries, etc.?


Individual resources can be ‘protected’; meaning that if you lack the required roles you won’t be able to open or modify them. The roles required to protect (and unprotect) resources are in Project Properties, under Project → General:

Thank you so much! We’re intuitively looking at the folders, and never bothered looking at the individual “files”. Would be nice to be able to assign protection at the folder level as well.

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That’s a solid idea - I’d recommend posting it to to get it in front of the right people.



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