Provider error in gateway


After restarting gateway I have a problem:

ExecutionException: com.inductiveautomation.ignition.client.gateway_interface.GatewayException: java.lang.Exception: Provider ‘q1’ not found:
caused by GatewayException: java.lang.Exception: Provider ‘q1’ not found:
caused by ExecutionException: java.lang.Exception: Provider ‘q1’ not found:

Ignition v8.1.5 (b2021042810)
Java: Azul Systems, Inc. 11.0.10

This provider is created:

After editing (renaming) everything works.


I didn’t come up with anything other than to delete the provider and re-create it.
First, I made it work. Then, in the Ignition Designer, in the Tag Browser window, I selected the All Providers folder. I found my provider in it and exported the data. Then, in Gateway, I deleted and created the same provider again. In Designer, I imported the data from the previous step and that’s it.

It worked.

I had the same issue and figured out the solution on v8.1.37. That error message means your default tag provider no longer exists (i.e. the name has changed). To fix it, close the error then in the ribbon up top click Project --> Project Properties --> General tab --> Default Provider and set to the correct default Tag provider.