Pulling Alarm Tag Information

I have a bunch of tags that have alarms on them and I would like a way to get all the information for it.

I know there is the tag report tool. However, when I export the tag with alarms it gives me one big column with all the information on there as a json and all the tags have different types of alarms on them. Is there a simpler way to get all the tags and the information for them which is nicely formatted in Excel?

No, Excel doesn't really have a "native" way to show data that has nested data. You would need a custom Excel export script of some kind.

Any idea where I could get an example of one or even a python script that might do the exporting for me?

I don't have one handy, but there are a number of topics here that show how to use the Apache POI libraries to create Excel files. Typically to produce customized dataset exports. Use the data from system.tag.getConfiguration() in place of a dataset.

Sorry to revive this again. But I still can't seem to figure out a simple way of doing this. When I export all the tags using the Tag Report Tool it shows the alarm column like this:

[{'mode': 'Above Setpoint', 'setpointA': 999.0, 'name': 'High', 'enabled': '[~]Oper/test1/LineRunning'}]
[{'mode': 'Above Setpoint', 'setpointA': 999.0, 'name': 'High', 'enabled': '[~]Oper/test1/LineRunning'}]
[{'mode': 'Above Setpoint', 'setpointA': 999.0, 'name': 'High', 'enabled': '[~]Oper/test1/LineRunning'}]
[{'mode': 'Above Setpoint', 'setpointA': 999.0, 'name': 'High', 'enabled': '[~]Oper/test1/LineRunning'}]
[{'mode': 'Above Setpoint', 'setpointA': 999.0, 'name': 'High', 'enabled': '[~]Oper/test1/LineRunning'}]
[{'mode': 'Above Setpoint', 'setpointA': 999.0, 'name': 'High', 'enabled': '[~]Oper/test1/LineRunning'}]
[{'mode': 'Above Setpoint', 'setpointA': 999.0, 'name': 'High', 'enabled': '[~]Oper/test1/LineRunning'}]

Rather then having it like this I would like to it show up in Columns where it just gives me tag path, label, and conditions for alarm maybe. How could I do this? Python scripting, or something built into Ignition would be great too.

Hi @scadafan

Here some example of exchange resource working with alarm.

None of those can do a export to excel, but it give you a pretty good idea how to get the alarms info of tags. Then it's just a matter to program the export of those data.
