Since I am not a career programmer, but a controls guy, I am using some code I found in the forums here to manipulate an excel spreadsheet using the apache poi. At this point of the code I am getting an error:
Create header row in the sheet
headerRow = sheet.createRow(0)
for i, col in enumerate(pyDS.getColumnNames()):
pyDS is the python dataset. The error I am getting is:
AttributeError: 'com.inductiveautomation.ignition.common.script.bui' object has no attribute 'getColumnName'
The error you show doesn't match the code you posted.
See how you're calling getColumnNames, but the error says getColumnName ?
Is that a typo, or is there some other place you're trying to call getColumnName, which, in fact, doesn't exist ?
Oops, sorry about that. It is in fact getColumnNames. I had tried it without the s on the end as I had seen somewhere else that had a method like that.
I am sure. To test this all I am doing is making a simple dataset:
headers = ["Letters", "Numbers"]
dataOut = system.dataset.toDataSet(headers, data)
@Rick_Pietruszka , I just tried your script. Here is what happened:
Calling .getColumnNames() within the enumerate() function returns either a 'com.inductiveautomation.ignition.common.script.bui' error if it is a PyDataSet or 'com.inductiveautomation.ignition.common.BasicDatas' error if it is a DataSet.
However, simply saving the column names to another variable, then using that in your enumerate function works like a champ
columnNames = pyDS.getColumnNames()
for i, col in enumerate(columnNames):
I got the code to work by simply not converting the dataset to a python dataset earlier in the script. I commented out the code for system.dataset.toPyDataSet(dsIn) and it is working great now. So ignition is not liking the methods for handling python datasets.
@Rick_Pietruszka , using the simple dataset example, the .getColumNames() function works on both a dataset and pyDataset. If it isn't working for you, perhaps there is something wrong with the pyDataset itself
headers = ["Name","Value"]
data = []
ds = system.dataset.toDataSet(headers, data)
pyDS = system.dataset.toPyDataSet(ds)
columnNames = ds.getColumnNames()
pyColumnNames = pyDS.getColumnNames()
print columnNames
print pyColumnNames
for i, col in enumerate(pyColumnNames): #works fine
print col
#for i, col in enumerate(ds.getColumnnames()): #gives error
# print col
#for i, col in enumerate(pyDS.getColumnnames()): #gives error
# print col
It never made sense to me that you can't use the list of headers you just extracted from a dataset to create another dataset without casting it first...
It's because Ignition's toDataSet() function is strictly checking for python's list, where it should be looking any duck-typed list-like object. Java's java.util.List<> interface is wrapped by jython in a list-like implementation.
Arguably a poor API choice on IA's part, many years ago.
Oh, I won't argue it, I'd say it's unambiguously a poor choice. We're explicitly checking for PySequence, and have been since, as far as I can tell, we migrated VCS systems to Git in 2011.