Python Interpreter

Hi, I posted a similar question yesterday in the regular forum but I doubt many people are on 7.8 so maybe someone in here can help.

When I write a script in the script console (multiline buffer) to test something, I’m unable to copy the output. It makes debugging incredibly hard, especially if you dir(object) something.


Agreed. You should make a feature request here:

OMG…you mean it’s not just a setting…worst news ever…

I’ll put in a request though, thanks for the help.

Appreciate the feedback. We made some improvements to the script console for 7.8.1-Beta, including the ability to select and copy text from the interpreter history. Feel free to download the beta from the downloads page and let us know how it works for you.

Thank you, I haven’t been able to test it, but I appreciate it.

Copying output is broken in 7.8.2.

Gateway servers tested on:
Windows Server 2008 R2
CentOS 6.7

A work around is to use a button on a window + output console; copying works on this output.