QR Code Component and Generator

Hello All,
Sorry for the delay, I didnt even see this posted. I have a version that supports 7.5, and yes, it will be on the module marketplace.

Before I release the new version, however, there is a bit of work needed to prepare your Ignition system. On any window that uses the QR Code components, you need to SHIFT + RIGHT_CLICK on your window in the property viewer. You then need to click on “Copy XML to Clipboard”. Paste each windows XML into a XML file, and save for later.

Now, On all of the resulting xml files, you need to search for “com.ksbindustrial.qrcode.components.QRCode” and replace it with “com.koerr.client.components.qrcode.QRCode”

We changed the package name recently, that is why this change is required.

After you have done that, you can upgrade ignition plus the module. Once upgraded, enter the designer, copy the edited XML files to clipboard, then Shift + RIGHT_CLICK the window, and click “Set XML From Clipboard”. Save and try opening the window now, it should work.
QRCode Component.modl (126 KB)