Query Binding - java.lang.exception - required parameter not provided

Ignition 8.1.28 - In a Perspective view
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I've got 2 query bindings, with the same parameter "dbConnection" pointing the query to the right database name.

One query is working, but the other one is throwing an error :

  • java.lang.exception: required parameter 'database' not provided

Did you ever encounter anything similar ?

Are you sure {this.custom.dbConnection} is always populated?

I guess it is always populated, and the first query binding is detecting it correctly ...


  • I deleted both the binding and the named query
  • I created them both again
    and now for some reason it's working :man_shrugging:

There's a bug in pretty recent versions - any chance you had a named query at the root with the exact same name as a named query in one or more folders?

@PGriffith yes I have several folders for each database type (MSSQL, MySQL, SQLite, ...) and in each folder, the names of the named queries are the same

If you upgrade to 8.1.37 or later, the inconsistent behavior will be fixed.

GW upgraded, thanks !