I am trying to join two tables that are kind of like these:
(these are simplified versions so I can understand the complexity of the interfacing, yet nothing top secret so to speak easy, is disturbed)
format(dateadd(hh,-8, t_stamp), 'yyyy-MMM-dd') as Day
, line
, sum(isnull(t.net,0)) as Net
, sum(isnull(t.hours,0)) as Hours
select cast(right(autoTable.line, len(autoTable.line)-2) as int) as line
, autoTable.t_stamp
, Row_Number() over (partition by manualTable.line, autoTable.t_stamp order by autotable.t_stamp desc) as row,
, isnull(autoTable.net) as net
, isnull(manualTable.hours,0) as hours
from autoTable left join manualtable on
cast(right(autoTable.line, len(autoTable.line)-2) as int) = case when manualTable.line not like '%k'
then cast(right(manualTable.line, len(manualTable.line)-2) as int) end)
and format(autoTable.t_stamp, 'MM/dd/yy') = Format(manualTable.recordDate,'MM/dd/yy')
--and shift joining magic not listed here
where autoTable.line='B2' and manaulTable.hours>0
and autoTable.t_stamp between DATEADD(hh,7,DATEADD(dd,DATEDIFF(dd,0,GETDATE()-60),0)) AND DATEADD(hh,7,DATEADD(dd,DATEDIFF(dd,0,GETDATE()-0),0))
group by --all that stuff
where t.row<2 -- eliminates duplicates manual entries while allowing review of all manual entries, not a removable feature
group by format(dateadd(hh,-8, t_stamp), 'yyyy-MMM-dd'), line
order by format(dateadd(hh,-8, t_stamp), 'yyyy-MMM-dd') desc
and then another complicated table
select format(dateadd(hh,-8, t_stamp), 'yyyy-MMM-dd') as Day, sum(datediff(second,sub2.t_stamp,lead)) as Seconds, sum(datediff(second,sub2.t_stamp,lead))/60.0/60.0 as hrs
SELECT sub1.line,
case when sub1.t_stamp < DATEADD(hh,7,DATEADD(dd,DATEDIFF(dd,0,GETDATE()-60),0)) then DATEADD(hh,7,DATEADD(dd,DATEDIFF(dd,0,GETDATE()-60),0)) else sub1.t_stamp end as t_stamp,
coalesce(lead(sub1.t_stamp) OVER (ORDER BY sub1.t_stamp), CASE WHEN current_timestamp < DATEADD(hh,7,DATEADD(dd,DATEDIFF(dd,0,GETDATE()-0),0)) THEN current_timestamp ELSE DATEADD(hh,7,DATEADD(dd,DATEDIFF(dd,0,GETDATE()-0),0)) END) AS lead
select line, code, eventTable.t_stamp as t_stamp
from eventTable
WHERE t_stamp >= coalesce((
SELECT TOP 1 t_stamp FROM eventTable
WHERE eventTable.t_stamp < DATEADD(hh,7,DATEADD(dd,DATEDIFF(dd,0,GETDATE()-60),0)) and code <260 and Line= 'B2'
ORDER BY t_stamp DESC), '2021-01-01') AND
t_stamp <= coalesce((
SELECT TOP 1 t_stamp FROM eventTable
WHERE eventTable.t_stamp > DATEADD(hh,7,DATEADD(dd,DATEDIFF(dd,0,GETDATE()-0),0)) and code <260 and Line='B2'
ORDER BY eventTable.t_stamp), dateadd(hour,5, DATEADD(hh,7,DATEADD(dd,DATEDIFF(dd,0,GETDATE()-0),0)) ))
) sub1
where t_stamp <= DATEADD(hh,7,DATEADD(dd,DATEDIFF(dd,0,GETDATE()-0),0))
where sub2.code=250
group by format(dateadd(hh,-8, t_stamp), 'yyyy-MMM-dd'), sub2.Line
order by format(dateadd(hh,-8, t_stamp), 'yyyy-MMM-dd') desc