Query Tag With A Stored Procedure Call

Can someone please either point me to the documentation for the syntax for stored procedure calls within query tags or help me develop what the correct syntax is? This is for Vision Ignition v8.1.39.


There isn't any such support, except via the CALL or EXEC statement of the brand of DB you are using. No support for InOut or Output parameters in such cases, typically.

Consider using a memory tag to hold your result, and drive with a tag change or timer event scripting. Then you can use SP named queries or Ignition's scripted support for parameterized SPs.

(Query and expression tags are not specifically Vision topics, fwiw.)

Thanks for the reply. Sounds good, I will try that. I went down this path because in the query tag videos in Induction University said it was possible to do stored procedures for query tags. I didn't know it was so limited.