[Question] Perspective Moving Analog Indicator Rotation

Is there a way to rotate a moving analog indicator in perspective so it’s vertical instead of horizontal? There doesn’t appear to be a property for it and when trying to change the rotate-> angle it is not changing anything.

Just resize the component.

To add onto @jpark’s comment, the Moving Analog Indicator does not have an “orientation” setting, however, just like the Moving Analog Indicator in Vision, if you make the component “wider” than it is “tall”, then the axes will shift and the component will then display its value from left-to-right, instead of bottom-to-top.

Is there any way to prevent the moving analog indicator (or linear scale) from rotating when when width is greater the height? I have a sparkline view with a analog indicator component and would like it to remain vertical orientation regardless of view size. The moving indicator is and embedded view inside a coordinate container because I need to keep it aligned and positioned relative to a sparkline component, which is also in the coordinate container. The container is set to percent mode so that it will scale.

But this is what I get when I resize width of view:
