Race Condition(?) using Jython Script in Ignition

I developed a logger module in Ignition 7.8.1 application which has been run in my client’s server for few months without problem. The following is the Jython script (Ignition uses Jython 2.5) I call every time I want to log an event from my Ignition application.

[code]def NewEventLog(eventLevel, logMsg):
rd = system.tag.read
wr = system.tag.write

tagProvider = "default"
logTagPath = "[" + tagProvider + "]" + "Debug/EvLog"
timeFormat = "%Y%m%d"
dt = datetime.datetime.now()
folderPath = rd(logTagPath + "/FolderPath").value
fullFolderPath = folderPath + "\\" + dt.strftime(timeFormat)

if not os.path.exists(fullFolderPath): #this is where it creates new folder
    wr(logTagPath + "/FileNo", 0) #reset fileNo and fileRow in the tag whenever new folder is created
    wr(logTagPath + "/FileRow", 0)

fileRow = rd(logTagPath + "/FileRow").value
maxRecord = rd(logTagPath + "/MaxRecord").value
fileNo = rd(logTagPath + "/FileNo").value

if fileRow >= maxRecord: #exceeds the allowed limit
    fileRow = 0 #reset the fileRow
    fileNo += 1 #increase fileNo
    wr(logTagPath + "/FileNo", fileNo) #update fileNo in the tag

fileName = rd(logTagPath + "/FileName").value
#fullFileName = fileName + "_" + '{0:04d}'.format(fileNo) #only in Python 2.6 or above
fullFileName = fullFolderPath + "\\" + fileName + "_" + ('%04d' % fileNo) + ".txt"

f = open(fullFileName, "a")
logLine = dt.strftime("%H:%M:%S  ") + str(eventLevel) + "  " + logMsg + "\n"

fileRow += 1

wr(logTagPath + "/FileRow", fileRow)


Basically the above function is to write a new line in a file whenever it is called. And there are two checks there (1) folder check, and (2) file row check:

[code] #(1) if the folder does not exist, create new one
if not os.path.exists(fullFolderPath): #this is where it creates new folder
wr(logTagPath + “/FileNo”, 0) #reset fileNo and fileRow in the tag whenever new folder is created
wr(logTagPath + “/FileRow”, 0)

#(2) if a file has less reach the maxRecord per file limit, creates new file
if fileRow >= maxRecord: #exceeds the allowed limit
    fileRow = 0 #reset the fileRow
    fileNo += 1 #increase fileNo
    wr(logTagPath + "/FileNo", fileNo) #update fileNo in the tag


Which create a new folder / file whenever necessary.

The following is the resulting log files when there is no problem:


But recently, I notice that there is a problem in the log files generated:

A. There are some log files generated with only one record:


B. There are log files which have more than maxRecord rows


I noticed the time where the log files which have more rows are last updated and they show that they are updated after the log file with the highest running number in the same folder.

These phenomena lead me to believe that it is caused by the racing condition in the (1) folder check (resulting in B) and (2) file check (resulting in A).

And so, I tried to test the hypotheses by coding this in PyCharm 5.0.4:

[code]import os
import threading

exitFlag = 0

class myThread (threading.Thread):
def init(self, threadID, name, counter):
self.threadID = threadID
self.name = name
self.counter = counter
def run(self):
for i in range(1000000):
if not os.path.exists(“testfolder”):
print(“here!”) #expecting to come here when race condition occurs
except Exception as exc: #expecting an exception here
print ("Exiting " + self.name)

Create new threads

thread1 = myThread(1, “Thread-1”, 1)
thread2 = myThread(2, “Thread-2”, 2)
thread3 = myThread(3, “Thread-3”, 3)
thread4 = myThread(4, “Thread-4”, 4)
thread5 = myThread(5, “Thread-5”, 5)
thread6 = myThread(6, “Thread-6”, 6)
thread7 = myThread(7, “Thread-7”, 7)
thread8 = myThread(8, “Thread-8”, 8)

Start new Threads


print (“Exiting Main Thread”)

As you can see, I expect the racing condition to occur and I should see either “here!” or Exception is printed. But…

I never got any of them.

So, my questions are:

  1. Is it true that I got race condition in my Jython script?
  2. If it is true, why can’t I reproduce it in the Python code in my PyCharm?
  3. How to fix this?

(note: for no 3, any idea is welcomed. Not necessarily to lock the resource since in Ignition, the Jython script is read after wrapping by its application (written in Java) and thus each piece of Jython script may not really have a “global” knowledge of the resources used)

(I asked the same question in SO)

[quote=“ian”]1. Is it true that I got race condition in my Jython script?[/quote]You have multiple race conditions in your script. Not just the various filesystem access problems, but also access to the tags where you are storing global information.

[quote=“ian”]2. If it is true, why can’t I reproduce it in the Python code in my PyCharm?[/quote]You would probably need your test threads to run loops of thousands of iterations with random delays to trigger a race. Also, running in PyCharm is going to use CPython’s threading engine, which is much more limited than Jython’s, which is really java’s threading under the hood.

[quote=“ian”]3. How to fix this?[/quote]Since you’ve written a module, the simplest solution would be to rewrite this in java, using a singeton object, with a synchronized method. Avoid tags. Store the global positions/sizes in elements of the singleton object.
Without showing how and when you are wrapping the jython, I wouldn’t be confident of any jython-based solution. Jython is capable of queueing and synchronizing, but it would only be applicable if the jython queue or lock objects are long-lived.

Also, in your PyCharm test code, you don’t show the main thread join()ing the test threads – the main program exits without waiting for those threads.

Hi pturmel. Thanks for the answer, it significantly explains the problem. I currently am doing some work around to prevent it to happen. Thanks!