Radio Group not updating database onClick

I have configured a radio group component in perspective, and bound the index to a database table. it works fine

now i tried to update the table when user clicks a radio button
I have used the following script in the onClick event, but I cannot make it work

def runAction(self, event):
params = {'site': , 'scenario' : self.session.custom.scenario, 'logId': "RouteLog" , "logLevel": 4 }
system.db.runSFNamedQuery("F3/LogLevelUpdate", params )

any suggestions appreciated

Please see Wiki - how to post code on this forum. There's an edit (pencil icon) link below your question so you can fix it. Thanks.

You probably need to show us the named query configuration and explain how you know "it works fine". (How did you test it?)

Also, as a matter of interest, why not use system.db.runNamedQuery - Ignition User Manual 8.0 - Ignition Documentation?

You are populating a perspective table dynamically with the radio button?

is your event on the radio button? are you assigning the dataset of the named query to the table?

if I missunderstood it, you can also have a change script on the value property of the radio button to update the table

Double-check your Gateway logs to verify there is no error when the script executes.

sorry all
my error
i had a error in the parameter names