I am having an issue with some of my vision charts having random lines across the data. The data itself is correct but not being displayed properly. I have 12 charts on a screen, and they all have the same formatting on the query but referencing different columns. Some of the charts have no issues and some have random horizontal lines. I thought maybe there is a max number of data points, but some have a few hundred and don't work. Some have a few thousand and work fine. I have attached some of the charts that are fine and some with issues (Charts on the right have the random horizontal lines, charts on the left are fine). I have also attached my query code.
t_stamp AS 'Date',
CurrentFINE05 AS 'Current',
PowerFINE5 AS 'Power'
FROM MotorTrackingV2
WHERE CurrentFINE05 IS NOT NULL AND t_stamp BETWEEN (:StartDate) AND (:EndDate) AND PowerFINE5 != 0 AND CurrentFINE05 != 0