Random Lines on vision chart

I am having an issue with some of my vision charts having random lines across the data. The data itself is correct but not being displayed properly. I have 12 charts on a screen, and they all have the same formatting on the query but referencing different columns. Some of the charts have no issues and some have random horizontal lines. I thought maybe there is a max number of data points, but some have a few hundred and don't work. Some have a few thousand and work fine. I have attached some of the charts that are fine and some with issues (Charts on the right have the random horizontal lines, charts on the left are fine). I have also attached my query code.

t_stamp AS 'Date',
CurrentFINE05 AS 'Current',
PowerFINE5 AS 'Power'
FROM MotorTrackingV2
WHERE CurrentFINE05 IS NOT NULL AND t_stamp BETWEEN (:StartDate) AND (:EndDate) AND PowerFINE5 != 0 AND CurrentFINE05 != 0

Looks like a bug. What version is this?

(Last time I saw anything like that, it was cheap GPU with a crappy Windows driver.)

Hmmm. I just noticed that your query lacks an ORDER BY clause.


Maybe also a good idea to ensure your data is sorted appropriately by timestamp.


Assuming that these are traditional charts, it doesn't order the data for you, but it expects the data to be in chronological order. Are you sure the data is correctly ordered?


Huh the data was in chronological order but adding the "order by t_stamp desc" clause fixed the issue. Thanks everyone!