Raspberry Pi + Ignition Connection


I was wondering what people would consider is the easiest way of setting up a connection between a raspberry pi 3 model b and an ignition instance on a different device on the same network. I don't want to buy extra hardware, so I was wondering which type of connection most people would use, and if there were any resources you recommend.

The two sensors are a temperature sensor in one wire and a water level sensor in i2c.


Edit: I ended up using Modbus TCP for the connection, it worked well and you can find my code in this post: Modbus TCP on Raspberry Pi to Ignition

Past that code, the setup is pretty easy and you can google most of them.

Do you already have software running on the RPi capable of reading those sensors?

Yeah I already have the sensors setup and I can read data from them on the pi. I just need help getting the data being read to the ignition instance.

Well... the easiest thing might be to use the WebDev module to expose endpoints on the Ignition side, then periodically make HTTP POST requests to those endpoints with the sensor data. In the endpoint logic you can write it into memory tags.

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Oh okay, thanks, I'll try that out and come back if I need any further help.

If you have used Node-red to read the sensor data there is an ignition node, There is also a module for ignition to read node-red too. You could also set node-red as OPC server. Never used any of these methods, only MQTT. Which would mean you have to buy the module unless this is for Maker.

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