Raspberry PI SQLBridge

Hello folks, Have anyone tried a SQLBridge module on this platform?

Best Regards

While this can probably be made to work experimentally, neither the service wrapper component nor the licensing works on ARM platforms right now.

Like to get data off a Pi?

Hello folks,
Again trying to work on this project. I am trying to build a low power consumption sql bridge to add a store and forward device to an existing installation.
Do you know if somebody has worked with RAspberry, or Intel Joule or lattepanda platforms??

Best Regards


As of 7.9, we now publish an Arm version of Ignition directly on the downloads page. Since the PI comes with java pre-installed (on the raspbian distro, at least), getting started is really as easy as extracting that package, making “ignition.sh” executable, and running “ignition.sh start”.

I can’t comment on what people have done in production, but if the load isn’t too great (say, <20 groups, < few thousand tags), it should work just fine.


Hi, I have my PI model 3 with the ARm package running on it.
It is a bit slow when I run the gateway configuration menu. I wonder if just installing the sqlbridge module could benefit the performance.

Best regards


The web-ui is one thing, and could perhaps be a bit heavy, but should only affect the PI when you’re actively viewing the gateway page.

Executing the transaction groups is a different issue, and should work to some degree. So, my point is, try setting up a test of some groups logging, and view the memory/cpu, without the gateway page open.
