Raspberry Pi4b and Ignition Maker edition

Hello. I’m a complete noob to Ignition. The company I work for is going to be moving to Ignition in the near future. With that being said I would like to get a jump on this new software. I’m very familiar with standard HMI software ie (factory talk view, crimson, C-more)… I would like to get the maker edition up and running on a raspberry pi. I have a home automation project at home using allen bradley compact logix equipment that I can log into using my C-more HMI. I’ve read several posts here and still not of the complete understanding of several things…
a) Will the raspberry pi host the graphics I create for the project?
b) Can I use perspective view or the regular view ?
c) Does designer need to be installed on the pi in order to create the GUI?

Thanks for any and all answers.


Not sure what you mean by this, but probably yes. The Ignition Gateway (server) runs on the RPi. It's the webserver your browser will communicate with.

Maker Edition requires you use Perspective, not Vision.

No, the Designer can run on any computer that can communicate with the Ignition Gateway, and in fact will not run on the RPi because it's not a supported architecture. You can run the Ignition Gateway on RPi but the Designer would launch and run on your regular computer.

Also, if you're not aware, you can download and install the full version of Ignition as well. All functionality is available and it's just a resettable 2 hour trial timer.

Make sure you run through all the free training at https://inductiveuniversity.com/.