I am new to Ignition and need what should be a simple thing
I have a Webpage output from a compressor that has some dynamic components gets the base webpage but the data I am looking for is not there yet.
If I examine the element of the data I am looking for it appears there is a Javascript running that updates the data
I have tried setting up an http client and then using the Get asynch command to grab the data .
I get a return but the JSON is
ValueError: Unable to parse response body as JSON: Use JsonReader.setLenient(true) to accept malformed JSON at line 2 column 2 path $
I am not sure if this would even work if I could read the output.
the real question is
How can I get this dynamic data into ignition and display it?
If the webpage is using JavaScript, you might be out of luck; nothing built in to Ignition will load a webpage and execute JavaScript.
However, try looking in the browser dev tools, specifically the network tab. See if you can identify the data fetching the JS is executing, and if it's going to a clean internal API. You might still have authentication issues to deal with, but it's very possible you can issue a request to the same internal API from Ignition as if you were the JS on the regular webpage.
Thanks for the help
I took a look and the page is sending a post request that runs a .cgi on the host. This CGI generates the entire page including the data.
I have been trying to do a request in the ignition console.
Best I can get back if I just send the url like this http://address/cgi-bin/runme.cgi
is invalid path
How do I tell what the post request is sending to the server to get back the webpage ?