Recording events

Hello all,

In other SCADA software we log events like valves opening and closing, motor starts and user actions like selecting manual operations etc. What is the best way to implement this in Ignition?

The Historian can do that for you by setting the tag history to "on change", or you can create your own logger using the menu | Project | Gateway Events | Tag Change and have a script record to database.

The first is easy to setup but has some difficulties depending on how you want to retrieve the data. The second gives you more control.

For the second you'd probably want to create a database and table with (at least) columns,

id                       (record id)
deviceName               (or number / code)
state                    (True or False)

Optionally you could record whether it was in auto or manual and log the user if done in manual.

Can't we have alarm classes and define a class as "Events", or define more priorities.
I am thinking of making the low priority or "Event class".

No, priorities for alarms are a fixed set.

I used the lowest level of alarm priorities to essentially record events on a project (they were diagnostic codes coming from engines). They were originally going to be alarms, but they came in way too frequently and generally weren't THAT important that operators needed to be alerted. Still keeping them as alarms let me utilize the existing alarm structures, but I had to change a few things to ignore the lowest priority alarm, and I also (obviously) kind of lost 1 of the 5 priorities for actual alarms.