Recreate HMI view in Perspective

Hello all,

I am trying to recreate a view from a current HMI and need to draw/create something similar to a table (screenshot attached.)

When I go to view->toolbars->drawing tools. I don't see a toolbar appear.

Is there a good way to recreate this view so I can use this as a template?

You can make a single row as an embedded view and display the whole list with a flex repeater. You might be able to get away with a table component with some embedded views.

I believe this is for Vision only.

Also, are you recreating this HMI in perspective for allowing people elsewhere in the plant to view status/values? Or are you intending to replace the current HMI with Perspective? If you are considering the latter, don't. Just use vision for on machine HMI/Control.

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Not to replace the HMI, but to give other users visualization for the tag values.

Thanks, this is actually right along the lines of what I did.
Appreciate the input.

Why make it difficult to read by using a 1970s style LED display with its difficult-to-read font and poor contrast? In the last 50 years we've moved to monitors and vector fonts which enable high contrast, easy to read and eye-pleasing results? The labels above the readouts are much clearer.