Redirect Port 80 to 443

Hello - we've setup a public facing server and would like to redirect any traffic to port 80 to 443. Is this something that can be done within the Ignition Web Server? FYI we changed the default 8088 and 8043 ports to 80 and 443 respectively. Would love to close 80 altogether but that would lead to a page not found for clients who use port 80.


Redirecting ports is something you would do outside Ignition. Security groups in AWS, iptables on Linux, a reverse proxy, etc...

thanks for the prompt response, @Kevin.Herron!

You probably shouldn't redirect 80 to 443, just turn on Force Secure Redirect: Web Server Settings - Ignition User Manual 8.1 - Ignition Documentation

With this, you may not need an external redirection at all.

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If you are using Let's Encrypt for your certificates, it is important to not redirect port 80 to 443 when the URL starts with .well-known/, or you won't be able to renew. This is easy to do with a load balancer or public-facing reverse proxy.

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Thanks @Kevin.Herron - that didnt come up in a search but I didnt search TFM - just google. We'll try that out and let you know how it goes - that is exactly what we were looking for.