Redundant backup did not take over fully

Hi guys,

Over the Thanksgiving weekend IT did some maintenance and a major upgrade to all of our systems.

When we came in this morning our master was down but the backup was running. I could launch clients on my machine but others could not (just kept trying the connection to the master without trying the backup). I had them update their client launcher but that didn’t help. Another developer reported that his transaction groups were not working. I took a look at the backup gateway and it says it has a valid connection to the dbs but then if you go to store and forward status it says ‘Unavailable’ in the activity column for our dbs… None of us can open a designer (just kept trying the connection to the master without trying the backup).

Waiting on IT to restart the master which I assume will get things running as normal but I am worried that we then lose our opportunity to resolve the issues with the backup not taking over fully…

Not sure what happened to the rest, but designers cannot run against a backup. They must connect to the master.

Thanks for that Phil, at least that one mystery taken care of!

Master was started again all issues went away. Submitted a ticket to try see why backup did not fully take over.