Reference Tag Create Script

Is there a way to use system.tag.configure or system.tag.addTag to create a reference tag?

Yes, with system.tag.configure, by including the valueSource property.

I have not had any luck trying that. I also tried system.tag.addTag but a reference tag is not listed in the documentation.

# Define the path for the new reference tag
targetFolderPath = "[default]Dev_DeLuca"
# Define the name of the new reference tag
newTagName = "ReferenceToTest"
# Define the source tag path to reference
sourceTagPath = "[default]Dev_DeLuca/Test"

# Complete the full path of the new reference tag
targetTagFullPath = "{}/{}".format(targetFolderPath, newTagName)  # Using .format() instead of f-string
print targetTagFullPath

# Check if the reference tag already exists
if not system.tag.exists(targetTagFullPath):
    # Configure the reference tag
    tagConfig = {
        "name": newTagName,
        "tagType": "Reference",
        "valueSource": "Reference",
        "sourceTagPath": sourceTagPath

    # Use system.tag.configure to create the new reference tag
    result = system.tag.configure(targetFolderPath, [tagConfig], "o")  # "o" = overwrite if it doesn't exist
    print("Reference tag created:", result)
    print("Reference tag already exists at:", targetTagFullPath)

The tag type should be AtomicTag not Reference. I also believe you can just not include it as the valueSource property is enough to identify it as a reference tag.

If you're ever in doubt, you can create a reference tag using the UI, and then use system.tag.getConfiguration() it will show you these kinds of things.

Thank you for the feedback, I got the below to work. I had to add some additional properties.

system.tag.getConfiguration("[default]Dev_DeLuca/Test 1")

# Define the path for the new reference tag
targetFolderPath = "[default]Dev_DeLuca"
# Define the name of the new reference tag
newTagName = "ReferenceToTest"
# Define the source tag path to reference
sourceTagPath = "[.]Test"

# Complete the full path of the new reference tag
targetTagFullPath = "{}/{}".format(targetFolderPath, newTagName)  # Using .format() instead of f-string

# Check if the reference tag already exists
if not system.tag.exists(targetTagFullPath):
    # Configure the reference tag
    tagConfig = {
        "name": newTagName,
        "tagType": "AtomicTag",
        "dataType": "String",
        "valueSource": "reference",
        "sourceTagPath": sourceTagPath

    # Use system.tag.configure to create the new reference tag
    result = system.tag.configure(targetFolderPath, [tagConfig], "o")  # "o" = overwrite if it doesn't exist
    print("Reference tag created:", result)
    print("Reference tag already exists at:", targetTagFullPath)
print sourceTagPath
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