Remote History Provider Data flow

I have many on-site servers that need to send data to the database. I want to know what the data flow of the Remote History Provider module is when I reference it. Is it directly to the database or first to the gateway that references this module before storing it in the database? I have made a slight diagram, where the red arrow represents the gateway and the black arrow represents the data flow. Which one should it be

We utilize the Historian Splitter with remote history providers.
Connection 1 is pointed at the local historian, connection 2 to the remote historian.

Then you can set the Limit First Connection Query option to have the clients ask the LOCAL historian for data up to that limit, older than that it will request the data from the remote history provider.
This helps to keep the local database smaller as you only need to store it for the amount of time you set for Limit Initial Query.

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Thank you for your reply
I create History Provider HPA in Front-End Gateway A and Remote History Provider A-HPA in each Back-end Gateways

My question is: When recording history, data will store in database directly OR transmit through Front-End Gateways ?

What configuration method can ensure that the back-end gateway is only responsible for writing data, while the front-end gateway is responsible for accessing?

You can use the setup I posted above, or just use the remote history providers for storage from the front end gateways. If you don't need local storage then no need to create the historians on the front ends. Just create the history providers on the backend gateways and use remote history providers on the front ends.

Thank you for your reply, is that what you mean?

Close, except the front end gateway arrows should point at the backend gateways and not directly to the database.