Remove empty pages from report

I have created a report as shown in the image , as you can see there are 4 pages of the report but data is only being displayed on the first page and since rest of the table returns null values and i have set the tables to not print empty group, I ha e done the tables using table grouping. If there is any other information i can provide regarding this issue pls let me know.

Hi @Bharat_Krishnan,

Can you please clarify the issue that you are having: Is the issue that pages 2-4 are blank? Or do you see the same table on pages 2-4 just with null values? Can you share images of the pages that are having problems?

If data is appearing in your database but not showing up properly in your report, this may be an issue with how you have brought in your data keys or how you have set up your table group.

These pages have more information about those topics:

If this issue starts to look like it will require complex discovery and troubleshooting, it would be best to reach out to our support department:

As you can see from the images , the pie chart is too small and it is reprinted again in the next page. I What I want is the pie chart to displayed of the original size and in the future if I have more or less rows in the first table , the pie chart should size to the available space in the page.