Removing blue outline when cell is clicked in a Perspective table

Hi, is there a way to remove the outline of the cell in a Perspective editable table when it is clicked? I tried outlineStyle = “none” under cell property but it seems to have no effect. The reason I asked is because when I clicked multiple cells, some outlines remained even after I clicked other cells. Below is a sample image. Thanks in advance.

Thats odd. Ive not seen that before. Im guessing something else happends here,
You should inspect the css from the cells that have a border.
Open the page in the browser and press ctrl+shift+c then hover over the cell and on the inspector you should appear either on the div of the cell or the text. Find out which of the two give a border and why

But you can adjust it with themse.css (or injecetion)

this would remove the border from selection

.ia_tableComponent__selection--root {

 border: none;


This the background color

.ia_tableComponent__selection {

 background-color: transparent ;


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Thanks @victordcq. I learned something new. This is what worked for me in my theme overrides:

border: none;
box-shadow: 0 2px 8px 0 rgb(0 0 0 / 30%);
background-color: transparent;

.ia_tableComponent__selection–root {
border: none;

.ia_tableComponent__selection {
background-color: transparent;

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