Report date issue

We have a report which uses the dateArithmetic function:

dateFormat(dateArithmetic({Root Container.Popup}, -1, “days”), “dd-MM-YYYY”)
dateFormat(dateArithmetic({Root Container.Popup}, -2, “days”), “dd-MM-YYYY”)
dateFormat(dateArithmetic({Root Container.Popup}, -3, “days”), “dd-MM-YYYY”)

When a client is open the value for the 1/1/2017 from data base is correct but the header shows the 1/1/2016

In designer when I run the test button and change the calendar it shows the 1/1/2017 as expected.

Can you give us a little more info? It would help to know what version of Ignition you’re running, and what version of java the Designer and Client are running. Are the Designer and Client on the same machine?

Java 8 v73
Ignition 7.8.2
Yes Designer and Client on the one machine

Its fine when I don’t include 1/1/2017


Can you contact support on this? I’m not able to replicate the issue with Ignition 7.8.5 and Java 8u91. :frowning:

Thanks Kathy, will do

Just in case anyone is looking for the answer, I just figured it out on my 7.9.9 server.

Change the YYYY to yyyy