Report filtering by date

I'm using Vision (7.9.10) - For some reason I always forget how to do this.

I've created a new report and in my parameters I made 2 new parameters Begin which is a string and Stop which is a string. I use these 2 parameter to insert a variable DATE from a datetime box into my SQL Query to filter out my data needed by date.
The part I always forget is in my report viewer where do I bind my STARTDATE and ENDDATE variables to?

There use to be a video on Ignition that showed how to create a report using these 2 parameters Begin and Stop to insert into a SQL Query, but I could not find it.

Your start date and end date get bound to a where clause in your actual SQL query for the report data.

This video should help:

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That's bad. Keep dates as dates all the way through your project until you need to format them for human readability. It will save you and your successors many headaches.


Thanks for the heads-up!

I figured this out couple of errors on my part, in my SQL Query.
Thanks to everyone, all information was greatly appreciated.