Report Preview shows correct data but printed Report shows N/A

I made a report that shows data from a tag historian query in a simpe table.

It shows correctly in the preview but in the actual printed report most fiels show "N/A". I checked the forum and my attempts to fix the issue was to enter the data key in the tables and not to over specify the entries in the cells. Also I checked if I had unnecessary spaced in my keys. Both methods were not successful.

My start and end times are collected from tags, e.g.

I use start and end times as well as "ProzessDate2" (which is between the two) to perform a tag historian query. I want to display the values for the listed tags at the time of my timestamps, therefore I choose the same timestamp for start date and end date binding.

Cells are set up like this

It looks correct in the preview

But most fields show N/A in the actual report. I have not found out why two keys are shown correctly. During my tries I have noticed, however, that the correct keys sometimes switched when I changed something in the report.

Thanks in advance to anyone reading.

If it works in the designer but not in production, my first instinct would be to add my parameters to the report to see what is getting passed into them when the report runs. It sounds like some of your parameters may be missing values or containing unexpected values.

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when I create parameters that contain the current values of my tags as strings or doubles, I get the correct data in the preview and the report. So I guess the query doesn't work correctly in the report but it works in the preview?

I noticed that the tag path in the query is [Datenbank]... (=name of my database) and [default]... in the parameters list. Does that have anything to do with it?

The confusion only grows...

I have removed capital letters in my query and added the new keys

Now the results from query "prozess_ende" don't show up anymore in the preview

Also the 2 working keys are not the same as in my original post

after changing the sample size in the queries to "fixed", the report shows the same data as the preview.