What is the correct procedure to autosize report tables based on their number of rows? Can a report flow like a flex layout or do we have to fix the top and length of the tables? What about "keep with next" on table rows to avoid page breaks in the middle of short tables?
[bump]Before things go very quiet for the weekend.[/bump]
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I just take the pixel count and divide it by the number of rows to create a parameter and then you can use the parameter as a keychain expression and just copy paste from there.
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Thanks, Jack. The project finished a couple of days later. I can't remember what the outcome was.
Best of luck. I didn't realize how old it was until after I replied. I've been looking on the reporting tags for any examples of best practices and ways to manipulate data.
Thank you for your answer Jack. I applied this solution to my report and it worked perfectly.
My table had some line breaks due to the size of certain lines. I made a SQL query that also considered the number of characters in the final result before counting the pixels. With this I was able to optimize even more space.
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