Report Viewer Table - Column Order/Sequence Organization

I am building a Perspective (Vers. 8.1.25) Report with a Table that has a Column Count of 19. I am configuring the Table with an Object Header and Object Details.
Once I set the Column Count to 19, the TextShape items in the Object Header seem to be organized at random. I have tried renaming them with a prefix number, but that does not work. I cannot find any feature / parameter to set the order of the TextShape across the Header.
Has anyone seen this issue and is there a fix?

Is this simply a report viewer in Perspective? If so, this is a Reporting question, not a Perspective question. Please clarify (and adjust topic title and tags).

I just edited the topic and title

Show a screenshot of what you have configured. It's most likely that you've just got the report table configured incorrectly in some subtle way.