Reporting time stamp

Hi, currently I am generating a report with past 12 hours data. My query is
SELECT * FROM group_table WHERE group_table.t_stamp < ? AND group_table.t_stamp > ?
1st ? - EndDate-now()
2nd ? - StartDate- dateArithmetic(now(), -12, “hr”)
In my database MySQL, I see that data is being recorded with time stamp - time stamp is in date and time format

where as in Ignition in Reports->preview mode only date is visible, time is not being displayed
Do I need to change any of settings or should the query be modified? Thanks in advance.

Look at the date format for that column in the report table. You should be able to include time formatting codes.

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but in reporting, I have dragged and dropped the time stamp. Can we also include formatting for this?

7.9 or 8.0+?

In 7.9, drag it over, then in Property Inspector click Properties and scroll down to Date Format


Thanks, this is the setting I was looking for.

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