Hello all,
I am currently implementing a charting feature into an application. The way the data is stored in SQL makes it unrealistic to use the Power Table component, so my next solution was to clean the data up with the Reports feature and its querying capabilities. The query is in the screenshot below:
As you can see, I am only selecting two columns with some dynamic elements for what data is selected. The Query pulls the data perfectly; but after selecting the proper range key and data key on the design page, the preview is still blank.
Does anyone have any suggestions on how I can either get the reporting to work? I am also willing to pivot into a different charting method as long as it is possible to filter out columns from SQL.
Thank you.
I'm also facing similar issue. Were you able to come to a solution?
I actually did, the issue was my improper use of the pens in the design tab. I was putting the wrong values for the data and range keys on my pens.
Previously I was inputting the data key as "SampleSelect.Metal_Concentration", but this was incorrect. The data key should just be the name of the data source, nothing else. In this case, that would be "SampleSelect", the name of my Query data source.
The range key for a specific pen should then be the column from that data source that you wish to display, without the name of the data source, you have already told Ignition the appropriate data source. In my case, the appropriate pen Range Key would be "Metal_Concentration"
Domain Key works similarly as the Range Key, it should be the name of your timestamp column and nothing else. Which for me was "sample_timestamp"
Hope this helps.
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