Reports displaying value other than Null

Hello All,

I am currently trying to troubleshoot an error I am having with the reporting module in Ignition. I have a report querying from this SQL table:

Looking at the BACKWASH_TOT column there are several null values. In my Ignition Report rather than displaying a blank indicating a null value it continues to display the first record of BACKWASH_TOT.

Everywhere in the Backwash Total column the value 35063 should be null (except for Aug 1st, 2023). At the end of the Report there is a row that takes the sum of each column. Looking at the sum of this column the sum is correct. It appears that the value is actually null for these days but Ignition continues to display the value in the first record.

Has anyone experienced this before?

Just to make sure, is the value showing as NULL in the XML data view in the preview tab?

The values in the XML data were showing as NULL. However, I did find out the solution. My problem was the data key I used to make my table group was incorrect. After changing it to query it resolved the issue.

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