Request to the developers to use ESC key to close pop-up messages in the designer


Whenever I'm working with queries (for example) and there is an error I can't press the ESC key to close the pop-up and I have to use the mouse.

Would be possible to add that funcionality to make working in the designer more efficient?

I'm using a VM so it could be that this is a thing and the key doesn't get registered or something (like ctrl + / that doesn't work for me) so if this is a thing just forget this thread (or even delete it).

Being able to add custom key short cuts would also be nice.

Maybe there are things that I don't know of how or why this doesn't exist so don't get this thread too seriously...

Thanks for reading me!


The underline on the 'C' suggests that Alt-C should work.


You should add a feature request for it: Ignition Features and Ideas | Inductive Automation

Alt+C requires effort that ESC doesn't. I think it makes sense.

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Didn't knew about

I'll write it there.

Anyone that want this feature could support it here: