Resizing an application upon launching

Hi, is it possible to resize an application upon launching? When I start my application using the Perspective Workstation, it will occupy my entire screen. I wanted to open an application in a desired smaller size. Right now, I resize my window manually to make it smaller. Are there parameters that I can set to do this? Any comment is appreciated, thanks!

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In vision you can use project properties to change the launching size option:

Thanks @pkhoshroo. The app is Perspective and there is no option for height and width in Perspective project properties.

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This isn’t currently an option for Perspective Workstation. You could create a post at to add this option though. If it has some traction we could introduce this feature.

Hope that helps,
Jonathan C

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Thanks @jcoffman for the clarification.

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Any update on this feature? I am looking for similar capabilities in Perspective Workstation.