I was running a query Script when a pressed button is pressed:
ColumnTableName = system.tag.read("WaterJet/BarcodeBTableName").value
ColumnIDName = system.tag.read("WaterJet/BarcodeBColIDname").value
ColumnIDvalue = system.tag.read("WaterJet/BarcodeBidValue").value
Count = 15
query = "Update ? SET Count = ? Where ? = ?"
args = [ColumnTableName, count,DatetimeTable,ColumnIDName,ColumnIDvalue]
update = system.db.runPrepUpdate(query,args)
print update
I obtained the following error:
Then, still getting erros when testing it the Script Console:
The reason why you get this error is according to this link:
@ before the "" says to compiler that this is a string nothing else
Read it here http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/362314fe(v=vs.71).aspx
Must declare the table variable "@p0" seems to be different
Edited: Dont use table name as a parameter better use your table name only,it will cause sql injection please read
SQL injection - Wikipedia
sql - "Must declare the table variable "@name"" in stored procedure - Stack Overflow
One Solution:
You can try a different approach, by first testing your code in the Script Console: My Table name and the Column name will be change dynamically by using this (see the highlighted):
If anyone has a better approach in how to dynamically changing the name of the table and Column, will be very much appreciated.
Thank you,