RESOLVED - MSSQL Server 2019 Connection Fails - This driver is not configured for integrated authentication

Ignition Version: 8.1.14
Followed the instructions according linke below Scenario 2
But still get faulted connection to the MSSQL Server

Any tips?


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Did you happen to see this thread?

I had an issues with Integrated security.

  1. I played with some new JDBC versions like 10+ - it not worked. 9.4.0 is working correctly.
  2. The problem is that JDBC is referencing itself somehow, so it looking for file with the name mssql-jdbc_auth-9.4.0.x64. So all what i did to solve the issue which i had - copied JBDC file - named it as ignition document want. And then placed the same file but didn’t renamed it. So i have 2 same files but with different names.
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Thanks, I now used also the 2 files one renamed and the other not renamed but had also to copy the unrenamed file into the lib/core/gateway folder but then it worked!

Thanks a lot for the tips! :+1:

I also found that the filename that Ignition was looking for was not correct. My solution only requires the 9.4.0 file to be placed in the lib directory, and not the sqljdbc_auth.dll file.