[Resolved]Perspective table pagination not working on custom row counts

I think this is a bug unless I’m missing a property somewhere on the Table control in Perspective.

See attached image for the settings I have configured. If I select a row count of 100 (default max) the next and previous buttons will unghost. If I select either of the 2 row counts that I added (500 and 1000) it will reghost the next and previous buttons.

The “ghosting” of the buttons is determined by the row count of your data. If you have 200 rows of data, and you have “show 100 rows” selected, then you need a way to get to the next page. If you have 200 rows of data and “show 500 rows” selected, then there is no next page, and so the buttons become disabled.

The “Previous” button should be disabled unless you are on Page 1.

Unless you have more than 1000 rows of data (I can’t see your props.data property in the screenshot), the Table seems to be working correctly.

I have 5 pages of data if I select “100 rows”.

If I select “500 rows” I have 1 page of data.

If I select “1000 rows” I have 1 page of data.

Weird. Is anything jumping out at you that I might be doing wrong?

If you have anywhere between 401 and 500 data rows, then this all seems completely correct.

0<=400 = 4 pages at 100 rows, 1 page at 500 rows, and 1 page at 100 rows.
401<=500 = 5 pages at 100 rows, 1 page at 500 rows, and 1 page at 100 rows
501<=1000 = 5+ pages at 100 rows, 2 pages at 500 rows, and 1 page at 1000 rows.
1000<=2000 = 10-20 pages at 100 rows, 2-4 pages at 500 rows, and 1-2 pages at 1000 rows.

In this instance where you have between (and including) 401 and 500 points of data, I would expect 5 pages of data at 100 rows displayed per page and the “next” button should be enabled until you reach page 5, at which point it would become disabled. The “Previous” button will be disabled on Page 1, but enabled on any page which is NOT Page 1.

If you switch to 500 or 1000 rows displayed per page, then there is only one page to display, so both buttons should be disabled.

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I thought it was paginating to some max # of rows. The rows are there. I just had to scroll down.

I see how it works. not a bug. Thanks for your help.

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