Restart Designer required now with gateway split after disconnection

So this is new, after splitting out our gateway into 2 gateways with split by front and backend modules, I now get this every* time I disconnect from the VPN while leaving the Designer open and then reconnecting again. I’ve never received this before. Any reason for this?


I remember this since a long ago. When ever you upload new module while designer is open, it needs to refresh. That message is a just a ‘save after close’.

The frond and backend modules? Haven’t heard about those.

Yep I knew this, but the messagebox has different text in it. This one specifically says that it needs to be restarted in order to re-establish a session :confused:

Frontend gateway modules:

  • Alarm Notification (trial) – required to show alarm notification components like roster component
  • EAM
  • Perspective
  • Vision
  • Web Browser – Vision module to show a web browser
  • Reporting
  • Tag Historian (Client only) – required for client access to historic data
  • Platform

Backend gateway modules:

  • Alarm Notification
  • SMS Notification
  • OPC-UA
  • PLC Driver Modules
  • EAM
  • Tag Historian
  • Platform

Used as part of a scale-out architecture for larger projects.

It’s from the IdP. You’re connected to the VPN (so on one session with the IdP), then you disconnect, and if you’re not able to resume the session it throws that error.
It might be possible to make it more forgiving (it’s certainly not my area of expertise) but throw new UnrecoverableIdpAuthSessionException(); feels pretty definitive to me :grimacing:


Ah that would make sense, it must have happened then when I changed the gateway config login model from classic to idp in amongst the same changes. Thanks Paul, as always