Restart module Alarm Notification

Hi, I’ve have a problem with Alarm Notification Module; we are using it to send emails and sms when alarms occur but sometimes we notice the module is stuck and emails and sms won’t be sent.
We have to restart module.
Question: is there any way to know if there are any active alarm pipelines? can we restart Alarm Notification Module programmaticaly?
In the meantime we try to understand what is the reason which stuck the module.
Ignitio 7.9.9

This is a bug that’s fixed in 7.9.10. Upgrade.

Thanks a lo Paul,
so I’m going to upgrade my gateway; I’ve never done it, could you please give me an advice on how to do it?

There’s not much to it :slight_smile:

  1. Download the 7.9.13 installer for your platform.
  2. Back up your system ( Configure → Backup And Restore, download a gateway backup).
  3. Run the installer. It’ll automatically shut down the running gateway, upgrade the necessary files, and restart your gateway. Within the same ‘major’ version (7.9.9 → 7.9.13), no licensing changes are required, and no functionality is going to change in any significant way, other than bug fixes and minor new features.