Restricting access to specific projects


I have a couple of different projects on our gateway.
Is it possible to make the projects visible depending on the user who is logging in both on the gateway and in the designer?
The motivation behind this is to have the client log in to our gateway and open their project from there in order to preview it and we can present it to them like that. I am obviously not interested in showing the client the other projects we are working on.
Is such an restriction possible in Ignition? I have played a bit around with the roles and users but as far as I can see it is only possible to restrict the access to the projects but the client will still be able to see all the names of the different projects but will only be able to log in to the project which their user and role allow.
So far we have just sent them the .jnlp file but it could be nice if this other approach is possible.

No, you can’t hide the other projects. You can prevent them from opening them, but not hide them. And all global resources (tags, shared scripts, devices, database connections) would be accessible across the board. Consider running VMs with Ignition for each client.

Alright, thank you for the answer.

Running VMs on a per-client basis also makes it possible to using per-client virtual networks with corresponding device and database connections – I have VMs in my lab that can directly take a client GW backup and “run” it, and after edits, load back into the client’s environment.