With the integer data from three tags, I need to return a combined string. I use scripting.
[code]x = [‘a’ , ‘b’ , ‘c’ , ‘d’]
y = [‘p’, ‘q’ , ‘r’ , ‘s’]
I read data from the tag,( i am not writing the code here), the integer value is stored in i,j,k
choice1 = x[i]
choice2 = y[j]
choice3 = k
total = choice1, choice2, choice3
return total [/code]
Example : I get something like this for a tag1 = 1, tag2 = 2 , tag3 =15
(‘b’ , ‘r’ , 15)
My problem is that i don’t want the brackets and quotes, I would like the output to be formatted in this way :
b r 15
Can anyone give me a sol’n. ?
I tried python website, but with no luck.