Row Selector Selected Path


The attached image shows a Row Selector, with the selection shown could there be a string property with the following or similar value:

‘NP Tests (81)\Unknown (81)\Bead (27)\UCR20/5-NP (6)’

Either with or without the number of results at each level.

This string would be used on top of a generic report to show what data was selected to generate it.


Malcolm Bird
Swift Automation

The row selector component has 2 datasets: Data in, containing the data to be displayed (using filters to group it); and Data out, containing the rows from Data in which were selected by the user.

You can loop through every row in Data out and display the data however you like e.g.rowSelector = event.source.parent.getComponent('Row Selector') data = system.dataset.toPyDataSet(rowSelector.dataOut) for row in data: print "%s\\%s\\%s" % (rowSelector.allDataNodeText, row["column1"], row["column2"]) Note that clicking on a parent node selects all child nodes. I don’t think there is a way to turn this behaviour off and only allow selection of a child node.