RTSP connection in Ingnition problem

I am using Ignition 7.9 with DSE cameras which uses RTSP
facing trouble finding its HTTP URL to connect to Ignition
The source page doesn’t contain any working URL

Kindly advise about this problem urgently, I suppose to deliver the project withing one week and cameras installation never stops everyday.


I’d say someone promised something they can’t deliver. As your screen capture shows, the IP Camera viewer is showing:

MalformedURLException: unknown protocol: rtsp

Ignition’s IP Camera component cannot display RTSP video. It needs JPEG or MJPEG from what I understand.

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If your camera is not on this site, then… you’re out of luck…
I’ve always found connect URL for various cameras on this site.
But, on first glance, your camera (DSE) is not there…

Try to contact the manufacturer for info…

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