RunPrepUpdate errors during insert

When executing system.db.runPrepUpdate in Designer Tools, the following errors appear and the traceback says:

"Caused by: java.lang.Exception: Error executing system.db.runPrepUpdate(
INSERT INTO [abc] (a_id, [Length], Width, Height)
(?, ?, ?, ?)
, [27, 45, 40, ], , , true, false)

... 29 more

Caused by: com.inductiveautomation.ignition.client.gateway_interface.GatewayException: SQL error for "
INSERT INTO [abc] (a_id, [Length], Width, Height)
(?, ?, ?, ?)
": Porušení omezení PRIMARY KEY pk_abc. Nelze vložit duplicitní klíč do objektu Hodnota duplicitního klíče je(44). Corrected translation: PRIMARY KEY pk_abc constraint violation. Cannot insert duplicate key into object. The duplicate key value is (44).

  • Insert on its own in Azure Data Studio works well.
    • Ids must have been reset, some of them deleted, and go again from 1, skipping the already filled-in rows.
  • The arguments were printed to check if there are really 4 arguments coming into the function.

I am comparing JSON data to the TSQL database data + inserting the missing data.
Some ideas why there are these errors?

Disregard. Replying from my phone, I ran it through a translator, and it didn't say what I imagined it did.

I think it's pretty clear that the error is caused by attempting to insert a row is a duplicate key value.

The question is how are you getting that value?

How is the primary key column configured on the table?