Same Gateway, different Server - DRV table entry?

We are currently going to a new OS for our Windows Server. Our process is building out a brand new gateway on the new server and once ready, we are going to power down the old server then power up the server. We have pulled the backup from the original and placed on the new gateway. My question is, will this create a new entry in the dbo.sqlth_drv table? If so, is there a way to prevent this? For example, our history is hitting dbo.sqlth_11_data, I do not want this to change once standing up the new gateway. Will Ignition just comb the DRV table and see that the name and providers already exist and will just use the existing entry in the DRV table?

In addition, we use redundancy on all of our gateways. Can we allow the backup to stay live for end users while powering down the original and powering up the new gateway without causing any issues?

Something to study:

This is certainly the expected behavior, but lots of variables might prove otherwise. Should be easy to test...Connect as a client would, confirm no issues. Go to gateway config of the master and (if redundancy is active, no errors) then Force Failover. Verify everything continues to work as expected from your clent. If any issues arise, failover back to Master. Otherwise, should be able to perform all necessary maintenance on Master while Backup is the Active gateway.

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