Scalar query in expression binding

I am trying to bind a string value to a concatenation of multiple scalar querys… basically I want to choose a row and add all the values in the different columns together into a string.
I had tried something like

ExecuteScalarQuery("SELECT solenoid FROM conveyorDesc WHERE motorID = '{Root Container.MotorID}'", "New Connection") + ExecuteScalarQuery("SELECT motor FROM conveyorDesc WHERE motorID = '{Root Container.MotorID}'", "New Connection")

It keeps telling me that these functions don’t exist outside of transaction groups…
Is there another way?

Right, those functions only exist in the transaction groups. Of course there is another way. Just add two string custom properties to the component you want to display the information on. You can add custom properties by right clicking on the component and selecting Customizers > Custom Properties. Call the properties solenoid and motor and make them strings. Next bind the two properties to SQL queries. First one:SELECT solenoid FROM conveyorDesc WHERE motorID = '{Root Container.MotorID}'Make sure the query is polling off unless you want it to poll. Next query:SELECT motor FROM conveyorDesc WHERE motorID = '{Root Container.MotorID}'Lastly, on the text property you can bind it to an expression that concatenates the two strings:{Root Container.Label.solenoid} + {Root Container.Label.motor}

that seems like the a very simple way to do it, thanks Travis.